The University of Houston Department of Biology
and Biochemistry is hosting a Graduate Programs Open House. The purpose of the Open House is
to expose local students to the exciting, cutting-edge research going on in the department, and encourage them to join their diverse graduate programs. The
Open House will take place during the morning of Wednesday, December 5,
you are planning to apply to graduate school in the areas of Biology and/or
Biochemistry this is a perfect opportunity to learn about research-intensive graduate programs and meet UH's distinguished,
internationally recognized faculty.
Open House will consist of:
Meet and Greet. Students meet Dept. of Biology and Biochemistry faculty and
students, the department Chair, and the Dean of the College of Natural Sciences
and Mathematics. (Free continental breakfast will be provided.)
Guided tours of the department and the research laboratories.
Pizza lunch (free for all participants).
you would like to participate please register here: